Cat Stained Glass

cat stained glass

There is a nice and touching story behind the cat stained glass featured above. Nancy’s mom part prepared this nice panel of stained glass before sadly passing on and her daughter, Nancy, the person who took the photo, had it completed professionally. I think the finished result is beautiful. Thanks, Nancy, for allowing me to use the photo under a creative commons license. I would like to dedicate this page to your mom, if I may. This is a link to the Flickr page. Visitors might like to leave a comment on the Flickr page.

For me cat stained glass has a beautifully warm, luminous and uplifting quality. Although I am not suggesting that it is right for every home. I see it as working best in a country home that faces south, with the sun streaming in – perhaps through the kitchen window. This would be a home where the cats would be very contented because the householder would be a dedicated cat caretaker.

That is a sort of classic, perhaps stereotypical idea of where stained glass featuring a cat might be found. It is nonetheless the one I have.

Interestingly there are quite a good number of Flickr photographs of stained glass featuring cats, which is a good indicator that it is popular.

cat stained glass

The stained glass immediately above is available on Click on the link to go to it: Cat in Tiffany Style Stained Glass Window Tiffany Style Stained Glass Window Panel 10.5

Brits cannot buy stained glass of a cat on, except for one example:

Cat stained glass to domestic cat breeds

2 thoughts on “Cat Stained Glass”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Please let me know when your web site is completed. Love stained giass and are especaiiy interested in your cat items thank you.

    • Hi, thanks for the comment. The site is growing all the time. The current problems stem from moving the site from one server (host company) to another. The pages are still readable and some are good. There are just some broken links and bad formatting on occasion.


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