This is a very rare example of a cat stuck up a tree who dies after six days and is then taken away by a vulture. That is what the people who were involved in the rescue believe happened. All the rescues sadly failed. It is said that this was a young cat.

All the stories about cats stuck in trees that I have read have ended successfully. Until now I have never heard of a cat dying in a tree.
The location is Boyes Hot Springs in Sonoma County, USA. The cat was stuck more than 50 feet up a redwood tree. He cried incessantly.
A lady who lives on the road where the tree is situated posted information about the cat on a neighborhood website and there was a good response with many suggestions. As it happens no one could help.
The Sonoma Valley Fire and Rescue Authority were unable to help because there are powerlines next to the tree.
In the end two brave local residents who had experience in tree climbing tried to rescue the cat.
The first was Roy Tennant. He used climbing equipment to get to 50 feet up at which point he turned back because the tree trunk was too thin and the ascent was becoming too dangerous. Also he could not see or hear the cat.
Next to try was another local, Steve Millosovich. His wife is a committed animal rescuer. Steve has good experience of climbing trees because he had worked as a tree surgeon (arborist).

He tried until dark to reach the cat. He got to within a few feet and attempted to tempt the cat with turkey but at this point the tree trunk was thin and the cat became frightened and climbed higher.
On Jan 2nd the cat was still crying but when dawn arrived the next day there was silence while a vulture was perched on a nearby power line.
No one saw the vulture take the cat. It has been presumed to have happened. The cat was stuck for six days without food or water. Cats are great survivors and it is not clear is this cat died of lack of water. There are stories of cats going without water for longer and surviving. Cats trapped in containers for a month have survived but it is believed that these cats have licked condensation from the insides of the container.
I suppose it is possible the cat became weak and the vulture took him away – very sad ending. It confirms to me that people are correct to try and rescue cats stuck in trees rather than waiting for the cat to come dowm of his own accord. It is peculiar that the domestic cat is able to misjudge his climbing ability to such devastating effect. You’d think the cat would instinctively kown his limits.
This is a can see the real criminals, abusing these helpless family pets, in utube,under vet trip gone wrong.The monsters are posing as vets, are tazing that most gentle of gods creatures.his name was Tom, he was 6years old and my best friend.the low life’s that murdered him are bailey grant, derixia seildell and last but not least Forrest aka author swann all of Evansville in. Past this on..we have to expose them..the American public will do the rest..Lawrence Meyer… friend Tom..I am sorry I couldn’t protect you buddy, I love you and I have a hole in my heart that will not heal until we get justice..thank you all
The only difference between Yonkers’ Rene Carcamo TNR cats and yours are that he took the time to find all the dead ones and hung them in trees where people could see what happens to the cats of people like you. He actually cared how his cats died and what happened to them afterward — unlike you.
“Noel Baley, who lives nearby, didn’t know Carcamo by name but recognized his photo, calling him the “pied piper” of feral cats in the neighborhood. He said Carcamo was friendly and often seen feeding cats on the street. … According to the criminal complaint, the superintendent of 25 Overlook Terrace, the building where Carcamo lives, told authorities the 60-year-old had “many” cats in his apartment and that he had seen him Carcamo, on multiple occasions, picking up dead cats from around the building, placing them in individual plastic bags and hanging them from a tree nearby.”
http : / / www . usatoday . com / story / news / nation / 2014 / 11 / 18 / cat-massacre-arrest / 19230375 /
Your logic about HSUS and all the others offering a reward is so impeccable, isn’t it. All those organizations frequently offer rewards as a tax write-offs and for the press it gets them for even more donations to line their own pockets. Knowing full-well that they never have to ever pay-out any rewards — ever. It’s all part of the money-making scam they use by exploiting all the suffering cats that they cause by promoting free-roaming cats. Even some of your own regulars here torture cats to death and then parade them in the media for donations for themselves. One of them even buying a new car on one of their cat-torturing money-making scams and then complaining later publicly they couldn’t afford to take their new dying cat to a vet and then started-up a new donation scam. But you won’t print the proof of that, lest everyone see just what kind of company you that keep and support. It would make you look just as disgusting. But you already know that, that’s why you refused to print any of it last time.