Cat survives fall from under a car at 65 mph

Bella after her ordeal
Bella after her ordeal

This is the extraordinary story of a black cat whose name is Bella. Her owner, Joanne Smith, had no idea that she had clambered onto the underside of her car. Joanne was driving along a route that she uses to go to work and part of the journey was on a dual carriageway at which point she was doing 65 mph.

Joanne had driven for 4 miles when she heard a thud. She looked in her rearview mirror and saw something black tumbling from behind her car. Then she saw the black object get onto its feet and realised that it was her cat, Bella.

Joanne pulled over and rang members of her family for assistance. Meanwhile Bella had found sanctuary in the central reservation. Traffic thundered by but fortunately she stayed still.

Joanne’s brother arrived and no doubt used a lot of courage to stop the traffic. Joanne scooped up Bella and they took her to the local veterinarian.

The vet reported that Bella had scratched the back of her leg and lost some of her claws in her effort to cling on to the underside of the car. Bella has made a full recovery.

Joanne and Bella
Joanne and Bella

Joanne was on her way to the funeral of the father of her friend. The moment that Bella fell from under her car was when she was overtaking a lorry. She said:

“Out of the corner of my eye I saw something black fall from the bottom of my car. I thought it was a plastic bag but then it rolled and rolled and got to its feet and I realised it was a cat.

Then suddenly I had the awful realisation that it was my cat and she must have been under the car. I pulled over and a few family members came to help me find her so we had to drive up and down trying to see where she had gone…

My brother somehow stopped the traffic and I picked her up and took her to the vets. She only had a little scratch on the back of her leg and all of her claws had been pulled out but that was it. She has definitely used up all of her nine lives.”

Joanne has no idea how Bella managed to be under the car. She had never done it before but from now on she always make sure that her cat is inside the house before she goes out and she won’t drive away unless she knows that Bella is inside.

Bella was very lucky. There must have been a high chance of being hit by other cars even if she survived the fall.


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