This is a picture that I took of my cat’s teeth and fur against high quality leather, just for the fun of it. Why do I like it? I like the detail, the texture and the teeth. The texture in the image appeals to me.

You can see a saliva droplet on his upper lip. Charlie has just been washing himself, and being tired after his exertions, he decided to have a snooze. As usual he is snoozing in my chair.
This is a snapshot. For the technically minded the camera is a Sony Cybershot G with Exmor R. The model number is DSC-HX20V. This is a very competent camera. It does panoramic landscapes too.
I know it is horrible. You’d be surprised how many people like to shoot cats.
Cool picture! The thing that distracted me was a link that said “main coon shot with a .22 rifle”. When I clicked on it I saw Carol’s xray picture and post. I was horrified that anyone would do this.
Ha ha ha ha ha, what a happy boy! 🙂
Yes very rich indeed…
Love and Light
Nice to hear from you. Happy Birthday Josie.
LOL i love cats!!!!! my nabor Lily had a cat named Charlie too
he was soooo cute!!!!! i read rilly rilly RILLY thik books about cats its called warrier cat’s there rilly good ,fun book’s to read oh and by the way i’m ten aaaaa no no no wait i’m going to be eleven tomorow 🙂
LOL. I have to laugh because he is such a terror. I seems his liking for chips and crisps comes from a hungry early life. Is that it? Cats shouldn’t really like french fries.