Cat Trapping

Cat Trapping

by Elisa Black-Taylor

Victim of cat trapping

Victim of cat trapping

I'd like for everyone reading this to take a good look at the picture I'm using for this article on cat trapping. This poor soul, who is a 2-4 year old gray and white male cat, sits in a shelter in Gaston County, NC. He's a victim of cat trapping and is scheduled to die on February 21, 2012.

What makes this story so cruel is that everyone involved possibly KNOWS who owns this cat. The story has it that the officer who came out to get the cat after it had been trapped, along with the person doing the trapping, are both condoning catnapping. I believe this because the officer allegedly tried to talk the trapper out of sending this cat to the shelter.

Cat trapping is done using the same type of traps used by TNR. The major difference is this is a one way trip to the shelter. Once a cat goes inside and springs the trap, it's taken to the shelter (usually an intake facility), where it's held for a period of 5 days awaiting someone to claim the cat as a lost pet. At the end of this time period the cat may be euthanized, adopted out or rescued.

There are also cruel cat trappers who simply kill the cat and dispose of the remains. Common practice in the old south was to trap an animal in a cage and then drown it.

Readers, do NOT think your cat can't become a victim. The law is usually on the side of the homeowner where the trap is being set. In other words, if a homeowner doesn't want your cat on his property, it's legal to humanely trap the cat and take it to the shelter.

I have a foster in my care right now who's still limping after being caught in an inhumane trap. One of those spring loaded ones that can cause loss of limb or even death. Alto is healing nicely and didn't deserve this.

I've even heard of law enforcement telling residents to "shoot it" when referring to a trespassing cat. This wasn't said in a joking manner. I have friends who live in the next county, both are cat owners. Each of them has a cat who has had to have a leg amputated in the past few months due to gunshot wounds to the leg.

Whether it's trappers or shooters, our rescue refuses to allow our own cats the freedom of the great outdoors. We lost a dog to shooters back in 2007. We just couldn't prove who shot her.

I'm not writing this to make readers paranoid about allowing their cats outdoor privileges. I just want everyone to be aware there are more dangers out there than hit-and-runs and wild animals.

If you have a neighbor complaining about your cat, you'd better take it as a threat or your cat could disappear.

Which is what I'm afraid has happened to this poor cat at the Gaston, NC shelter.

I rescue out of Greenville, SC, and I've seen the victims of cat trapping come in while I was at the shelter on a rescue. Some traps would have more than one kitten.

I would like to add the age of the cat trappers I ran into at the shelter was over 60 years old. Perhaps older citizens are less tolerant of stray cats in this country. I don't know. I only know that out of the dozen or so trappers I've met, all were well on their way to being senior citizens and all were male.

Readers, if you must allow your can outdoor access, please be very cautious. Know your neighbors and their feelings about cats crossing onto their property. I have an aunt who freaks over cat pawprints on her car. If a neighbor complains you should take it seriously.

Should your cat disappear, contact the shelter immediately and put up lost flyers and go door to door. Do it quickly because cats are only held a short time before being euthanized.

Have any of you been a victim of cat trapping? And please, if anyone has any idea on how to help this poor cat get back home we're all open to suggestions. I sent a message saying I'm willing to foster him if he can get the 100 mile distance to me. We can't let this big boy die just because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.


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Cat Trapping

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Feb 19, 2012
keep your fingers crossed
by: Elisa

I'm doing everything in my power to get this baby out. All I need is a 501c3 to pull and I can foster under them. Already got transport arranged.

Feb 19, 2012
Microchipping Helps save Lives
by: Anonymous

I would like to urge all pet owners, especially cat owners to have your cat Microchipped ASAP.
It does help get a fair portion of animals that stay or are trapped and then turned into shelters find there way back to their rightful owners.
Not all that long ago I bought a pet carrier at
a local charity shop and the senior lady that served me openly bragged to me about how many cats she had trapped in her back yard by using sardines inside a spring loaded trap.

Feb 19, 2012
by: Michael

I have a name for these men that I can't use here sadly.

Feb 18, 2012
these men
by: Elisa

These men come through the door carrying their traps and bragging about how many cats they trapped for the day. As if they should get a prize for this.

Feb 17, 2012
Old people, police and attitude
by: Michael

There seems to be an underlying anti-cat attitude from older men in the USA. As the police forces are run by older men it does not surprise me that they advocate shooting cats and do it themselves sometimes.

The idea that you can trap any cat that is outside, take him to a pound or shelter where he could be fairly quickly killed is not good.

Perhaps this is another reason why people keep cats inside in the USA.

We can't escape the conclusion that there are a lot of people who dislike cats and they tend to be older men or the male of the species.

One way to ease this dislike is to better manage stray and feral cat populations. If there was less of a presence outside of the cat it may ease what seems to be almost hatred by some people of the cat.

Feb 17, 2012
by: Deborah



Feb 17, 2012
Neighbors trap
by: Anna - Foster Mom

My neighbors have been trapping cats in our neighborhood for months. And not feral cats, but owner's pets! I had 3 girls that would occasionally go outside. 2 of the 3 got trapped and it cost me $70 to get them out. I have had to rehome the 2 that went out most often because of the assholes that live across the street from me. They never said anything to me about my cats, they just started trapping. Luckily my girls were micro-chipped so the shelter called me and I went and got them out, but not everyone is that lucky.

Feb 17, 2012
trapping and cruelty to cat colony by neighbor
by: Anonymous

I would like to know if there are any federal laws on this issue as I have a young upstart who inherited some land from mamma behind me who hates animals period---this is agriculture land has been for years--horses cattle cats. I have a cat colony of which his mothers workers dropped and/or did not care for the 6 cats his children had and outgrew wwho wound up at my place after the abandonment tht created the colony. This young man has been known to shoot other animals, dogs cats etc. He has threatened my colony of cats while they are on our shared easement of which I am the dominant tenant the easement having been bought 1969. The cats have not been on his other property just OUR easement near my barns. He is buildinng a house behind my barn on his given land. the ordinances in our county don't address this issue other than cruelty to animals etc. I need to safeguard the cats without keeping them in as it is a huge colony of cats that has been here since 2000. All have been spayed and well taken care of.
The TNR supervisor in Versailles advised me to take the shot records to the animal control so that they can monitor the happenings and try to protect the cats. Anyother suggestions of legal issue on this would be appreciated.

6 thoughts on “Cat Trapping”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Yet another Woody alias, you must be desperate to seek out this old article to write your spiteful lies and rubbish on. Change the record for God’s sake, we’ve heard it all before and no one gives a damn what you think.
    This site is for CAT LOVERS!

  3. Hire a service that can euthanize it. All cats carry toxoplasmosis and are shedding oocysts in their feces= possible death for you. The cat or you.

  4. Hi Shirley, I know it doeesn’t feel like it to you but the cat is a victim too, you are both victims of a bad cat caretaker!
    Cats climb onto cars in the hopes of getting some warmth from when the engine has been running and this means they haven’t much comfort at home, they are usually left out hour after hour and feeling cold.
    Killing the birds is probably a sign that the cat is hungry, marking by spraying indicates he is most likely not neutered, so all in all he doesn’t have much of a home.
    I think you need to calmly point all this out to the owner of the cat, suggest they have him neutered and look after him better or you will have to call on the authorities to help you.
    If it was in England the RSPCA would pay a visit and give them advice on how to care for their cat but by your spelling of neighbor/our neighbour I think you must be in the USA.
    The only other way (which is illegal of course) is to say nothing to them but to find him a good home with a true cat lover and spirit him away, for his own sake!

  5. I would never intentionally harm an animal! Noticed this cat marking my porch furniture and stuff now. OMG! Guest have to walk through that stench to come in! What can I put “on” my car that will deter the cat? My car insurance wants me to call AC but isn’t that live trapping? Why can’t people be responsible pet owners? I have never let my pets roam! My car isn’t a pos, and it’s not fair that my household and this cat have to suffer. Basically, from your response, i have little to no recourse and just need to accept the destruction.

  6. Hi Shirley, I sympathise and I love cats and all animals. I do feel that if a cat owner is asked to keep their cats under better control because of genuine concerns from a neighbour, then they should respond sensibly and decently. They have the responsibility to care for their cats and be good neighbours. There are two responsibilities. It is very difficult to know what to do next beyond asking nicely. You don’t want a neighbour dispute that hardens. If your car is scratched by the person’s cat you might have a claim against them in tort for damage to your property. But this is unusual and probably a bad course of action. You might try and deter the cat by putting something that smells unpleasant to a cat on your car. There is no guarantee however. You cannot harm the cat. That would cruel, immoral and a crime. The cat is only behaving naturally.

  7. I am not a super huge cat person, but nor do have any I’ll wish towards them. I live in the suburbs, and am having a terrible time with the neighbor’s cat. I love my car, and now there are scratches on it where the cat slips getting up on it. It’s killing all the birds I feed, even the hummingbirds won’t come back. Talking hasn’t helped. What can be done in the best interest of all concerned? It would seem that if someone really loved their animal that they would keep it more contained.

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