Cat lovers know that cats go missing every day and the best chance a cat has of being reunited with family is a microchip. This cat who took a cross country trip from Salt Lake City, Utah to Marianna, Florida in a semi truck needs our help to find his owner since it’s obvious he didn’t have a chip.

A Facebook post from Partners for Pets, Marianna tells the story of ‘Sebastian’
“Sebastian is a gorgeous boy who ended up a long way from home. Seems he hitched a ride on a Semi in Salt Lake City, Utah and ended up in Marianna. They took care of him for a short while but could not keep him. He is a very sweet, friendly guy! Wish there was a way to find his owners in Utah!”
One person commented they believe Sebastian is an abandoned cat who stuck around his Salt Lake City neighborhood after his owner moved away about a year ago. He was being fed as a community cat. If that’s the case, Sebastian has had offers of adoption in the Marianna community.
Sebastian isn’t available for adoption at this time because the rescue wants his owner to have the opportunity to step forward. It’s obvious Sebastian isn’t microchipped with current information or his owner would already have been located.
Partners for Pets can be reached through their Facebook page or at 850-482-4570.
Since it was an 18-wheeler I would think the cat was in the back part was the load was. I’m surprised it didn’t die from heat or dehydration. That’s a very long drive. I knew a man who used to do one run a week from SC to Washington State and it took several days.
Was he in the cab or van? Mine are chipped but registered back to the rescue.