This is little, charming Gabriel, my darling boy cat, making a sinister smile and his beady eyes are looking sinister too. A pure illusion. He is not sinister, of course. It is just the way his mouth is formed. It is nice, though, that he can give the illusion that he is smiling human-style 😉 .
I love photographing him although it is always tricky. It takes a certain amount of patience to get a decent cat photo as I am sure most people realize. This was taken with a Sony camera lens which gave the impression to Gabriel that he was not being photographed because I was viewing the image on a smart phone to my left. The image was sent wirelessly to it. A camera lens is a small cylindrical object that does not look like a camera and is, therefore, very unintimidating. It was on a mini-tripod in front of him.
I held a video lighting unit (a bank of LED lights powered by batteries) over my head directed at the white ceiling so the light reflected back onto the bed where Gabriel was lying. It produced a soft light. There was no other light source as it was taken late in the evening when it was dark outside.
The exposure was around 1/10th of a second so Gabriel was pretty still at the time and the F stop was around F4. The device works by connecting to the smartphone wirelessly so I can operate the camera from the phone. The phone and camera/lens can be far apart if needs be.
Michael, my dear friend had a Moma cat who had to part with her litter. well-I gave her one of my kittens a 3 month old male named Felix black with a white star on his forehead. I called a few weeks later to see how he was getting along and my friend said just fine, Felix and Moma kitty are rummaging thru the toybox and she is pulling out things for them to play with together? Well, I was floored but calmly asked how she knew that. She said I hear them going thru the box.Her Moma kitty had adopted him and they have the same routine everyday , picking out their own toys. I don’t know about you but my cats will not retrieve a mouse anymore; let alone go shopping together. LoL but a true story. Amazing * Right *?? Eva
HoHoHo-Save him a toilet paper roll-it’s fun and it’s free.
Thanks for your reply. Eva
Michael, I like that photo because the “ghost” tabby markings are clearly visible. (I’ve never seen a melanistic Bengal in person, but I bet they are beautiful.)
Eva, maybe Merlin was up to something fishy (lol).
I wondered if his look of contempt had anything to do with me expecting him to enjoy the Fling-ama-string toy hanging off the door handle (lol). That was a complete waste of money which ended up being consigned to the bin.
Gabriel is cute, but I think Merlin is up to something Fishy ?_Maybe he had a dream and that fish tank is to blame for his mischievous thoughts?
Eva say’s_
Yes, it is just the split second the photo was taken. He has a very strong, handsome looking face.