Cat with Broken Tail Needs a Home

I have a brown spotted tabby female born 4/3/02 whose tail was broken running across the street. She had a fairly large separation at the S1 vertebrae. She can run and jump normally and appears to feel no pain but after about 4 months of hoping and waiting, she still has no control of her bowel movements and urinary tract.

She has been very unhappy in a cage and we do not have access to a suitable outdoor arrangement.

Before I put her to sleep, I wonder if you know of anyone who has a facility where she can have some quality of life.

I will be happy to have her tail removed if someone is interested.

Tom 610-772-0308

Cat with Broken Tail Needs a Home to Bengal cat rescue

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Cat with Broken Tail Needs a Home

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Mar 12, 2010 Facebook Query about Cat with Broken Tail
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Tom, Is there any further news about your cat?

Facebook members have asked me for an update. So far, no luck finding anyone. My thoughts and prayers are with this beautiful creature and whatever necessary decision is made on her behalf. Thank you for reaching out to like-minded cat lovers for assistance.

Mar 09, 2010 Sad Tale - continued
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Tom, I am going to post these story and comments on the Animal Rescue Site's forum on Facebook. There are many people there who work with handicapped animals. Who knows? Perhaps someone there will have a suggestion. Otherwise, there doesn't seem to be much hope. Thanks again.

Mar 09, 2010 Sad Tale
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Tom, it is really so sad to hear the news from the vet. If there is nothing surgically that can be done, the heartbreaking news is that it is probably in the cat's best interest to be put out of her/his misery. Thank you for sharing.

Mar 09, 2010 Broken Tail
by: Tom

To answer several questions..... she has been to a vet. The Xray confirmed she has a 1/4" separation at the S1 vertebrae. She cannot control her bowel or bladder so she drips 24/7. Her bladder must be manually expressed. The Vet says to think about having to go to the bathroom for many hours and the driver will not stop. This is what she feels all the time. I'm afraid she does not have many (or any) options and I do not want to put her through this kind of pain.

Mar 03, 2010 Euthanasure - really?
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Tom, is euthanasure really necessary? What about finding a cat shelter that is 100% No-Kill? They do exist. Contact the ASPCA, Northeast Animal Shelter, etc.

I just googled the phrase: "no kill animal" and found a host of them. Here are some of the links: (this one looks especially appealing_

- this link is broken 7th Jan 2013.

Although I cannot insert every link found, you get the general idea. Please reconsider putting this wonderful cat down. There ARE agencies who will accept your feline even with medical conditions.

I volunteer at a 100% no-kill animal shelter in Massachusetts and it is fully staffed by volunteers. No one gets paid. We do it for the love of the animals. At one point, with nearly 3 dozen cats, a severe case of ringworm developed. Rather than euthanize the entire shelter, they spent $10,000 to treat the animals, during which the shelter closed its doors for 4 months. That's true dedication; the community was also generous with their donations when word got out.

The point is, there are people out there who will be glad to take your cat. Please let us know what happens. Thank you so very much for caring enough to seek out like-minded cat lovers. Wishing you much success in placing your wonderful feline.

Mar 02, 2010 Surgery?
by: Phil

I'm very sorry to hear your story, but has she been seen by a vet? This sounds like a spinal disc problem, quite easy to deal with in humans, but probably a different case with cats... (you can make a human lie still to recover, but not a cat).

Mar 02, 2010 Best of luck
by: Michael

Thanks, Tom, for asking. That was good of you. Am I correct in saying that you are based in Pennsylvania, USA?

I wish you and the cat the very best.

Michael Avatar

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