Cat with Watermelon – uncomfortable places to sleep

Cat with watermelon or why do cats sometimes chose uncomfortable places to sleep? We have all seen the photos of cats sleeping in the most uncomfortable (to us) “beds”. Why? The answer must be that for a cat it is not uncomfortable. Simple.

Here is a photo of a cat in Japan sleeping in a hedge. The cat in the video is Japanese too. Is something going on?

cat sleeps in a bush by So-yeon Kim
Cat sleeps in a bush by So-yeon Kim

My cats have often preferred to sleep over cables on the bed when there was plenty of nice, flat bed space to sleep on.

Cats generally like comfortable and cosy places to sleep but it isn’t essential. When it is hot they prefer hard flat surfaces to sleep on because it is cooler but sometimes it just looks plain uncomfortable.

12 thoughts on “Cat with Watermelon – uncomfortable places to sleep”

  1. For the welfare of cat or liking/disliking of a cat,


    This is the main formula Michael, thank you for the article <3

  2. @Eva: lol

    I think they sleep like that because they are built differently and it feels good. I sleep on a very broken couch with my head about a 70 degree angle due to my back and neck injuries. It’s heaven to me. One of the kids layed there and was in severe discomfort. Thank heaven for my couch!

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