Catdog – cat mating with dog

by Jessica

So, I’m being dead serious about this issue….It would seem that my little kitty, Jeneveave (Red Point Traditional Siamese) is in a very serious relationship with my next door neighbours dog (Blue Staffordshire cross Staffy).

Now, I understand that the mixture of the semen and eggs DNA in cats and dogs won’t produce offspring, but, my cat’s pregnant!

I don’t see how this could happen, being that, she is a house cat and the only other animal she has interacted with is Toby (the dog) when our neighbours and I have get-togethers.

They have both grown up together so is it possible that they have adapted so much to each others genes and environment that they are having offspring and if so, what will they turn out like?


Hi Jessica… Wow…I have never heard of this until you shared your experiences here. Thank you.

I immediately checked the internet and it seems that it is not totally impossible. Or people think it is not impossible judging by some of the articles. This is one example: Dog and cat allegedly mate and reproduce.

There are YouTube videos too. Aren’t there always. You will have to keep us updated – please do this. We are fascinated in the outcome.

Maybe some of our wise visitors will provide some comments?


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3 thoughts on “Catdog – cat mating with dog”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Cats and dogs have way different chromosome numbers (cat 36, dog 78). There are probably very few that would actually link up, and certainly not enough to create a living being. There would be too much extra genetic material left over. If they had similar numbers, then yes, maybe it would be possible.

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