Pet owners are submitting their cats to cosmetic surgery to give them cartoonish Mickey Mouse ears

Surgical instrument to ostensibly surgically alter the shape of cat eats for cosmetic purposes in China

Is this story true? If it is true, it’s not good. We know that some breeders change the shape of their dog’s ears; called ear-cropping but this does not happen with cats except for feral cats under TNR programmes in which the top 20% of the left ear flap is removed surgically. The Mail …

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Ear cropping of dogs is illegal in the UK but some breeders are offering it

American bully dogs with cropped ears

NEWS AND COMMENT: Some dog breeders in the UK are allegedly offering customers the option to mutilate the ears of puppies as part of a trend popularised by celebrities on social media. It is illegal under the Animal Welfare Act 2006. The Times reports that influencers on social media and sportsmen and sportswomen have …

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