14 facts about the duration of stay at shelters by rescue cats

Pictures of sad shelter cats tend to go viral and enhance chance of adoption

At Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, the following statistics are provided by an online newspaper regarding the speed of adoption of cats within their care. I can’t find the information on the rescue’s website. The average length of stay for cats at the Kent location of Battersea Dogs & Cats Home is, as expected, …

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Pictures of sad shelter cats and interesting bios improve chance of adoption

Pictures of sad shelter cats tend to go viral and enhance chance of adoption

This post was inspired by ex-shelter cat ‘Fishtopher’ who was a long-term resident at the Homeward Bound Pet Adoption Center in Blackwood, New Jersey, USA. The picture got him out of there. Not that it is a bad place. But it is shelter and shelters are not great places for cats or dogs. Too …

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