New York City cat rescuer with 12,000 Instagram followers arrested for alleged animal abuse

Cats rescued from a cat rescuer by the ASPCA

NEWS AND VIEWS: On the face of it, this is another one of those cat rescuers turned bad stories. We see them from time to time when cats rescued by a rescuer need to be rescued from the rescuer! But we have to be careful when we criticise cat rescue charities because the stories …

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Three sibling kittens cuddled up on a public bench wait to be rescued

This is very strange. Rare I’d say. I have never seen it before. This is a bench in a public place, next to a sidewalk (pavement). How did they get there? One thought comes to my tired, cynical mind. The owner put them there. She/he abandoned them. They curled up together to stay warm. …

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Rescuing a kitty in Kherson (after the dam blast flooding)

Cat rescue from the floods at Kherson after the dam was destroyed

A tender and successful moment with cheers from those watching! NEWS AND VIEWS – UKRAINE: This is a short video of the animal rescue aspect of the Ukraine dam flooding disaster which, it is now been decided, was caused by an act of Russian terrorism; a blast which destroyed enough of the dam to …

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Woman asks AITA for not lending her estranged sister money because of veterinary bills for her cat

Woman asks AITA for not lending her estranged sister money because of veterinary bills for her cat

For me, this is an interesting story of family strife and cat love. Two opposites really. The story kind of highlights how a person can love a cat but dislike their mother and sister. And that mentality sticks for their whole life. AITA: Am I the asshole? SCENARIO: the website, a woman asks, …

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Animal rescuing Ukraine soldier finds pile of puppies protecting kittens during the war

Puppies and a newborn kitten plus mother huddle together during the Ukraine war

I believe the soldier’s name is Yaroslav Lutsyshyn. It appears that he has decided to do his bit (a lot) for animal welfare during this ghastly war and he is videoing his exploits and uploading the videos to TikTok which allows me to show you one of his latest episodes. As you can see …

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12 kittens come out of the forest when their ‘point kitten’ confirms rescuer is non-hostile

12 kittens come out of the undergrowth when they see that their 'point man' is safe with the human rescuer

A good man sees a tiny tabby-and-white kitten at the side of the road. He stops his car and the kitten comes over asking to be rescued. He accepts the request and picks up the kitten. Immediately he does so the mates of the rescued kitten came out of the undergrowth from the forest …

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Woman sees stray kitten in Walmart, buys cat food and a carrier and adopts him on the spot

Woman takes immediate action to adopt a stray cat in Walmart

This is a cool video. So immediate. So instant and so correct. A woman is shopping in a huge Walmart. She spots a crying kitten with a heart-shaped pattern on his back (she named him Wally). The woman says something like, “I’ve always dreamed of this day””. She’s seen videos online and suddenly it …

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