Picture of a foster kitten

Rescue kitten

Why publish a picture of a foster kitten? Firstly, I think he’s an incredibly cute foster kitten. He has an unusual coat and appearance generally which is reason enough to publish a picture of him on this website. But secondly, it reminds us that every cat is an individual, a sentient creature demanding our …

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Fostering cats as a form of temporary ownership

Fostering cats

During the coronavirus pandemic applications to foster cats has gone up at Battersea Dogs & Cats Home (the charity reports). There is also an increase in adoption applications. The two are linked. The surge in desire to foster reflects a need to temporarily live with a cat during the coronavirus lockdown which is what …

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People self-isolating at home want to foster a cat or dog for the duration

Battersea foster carer home with cat

NEWS/OPINION: The Covid-19 outbreak has changed the way people live. Some of these changes may be permanent. One interesting development is that some people who are self-isolating at home have decided that it would help them get through months of near imprisonment if they had a pet cat or dog to entertain them. They …

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Young rescue cat spent quality time with foster carer before passing with cardiac arrest


This is a bittersweet story from Alley Cat Allies. According to their Facebook page, Thomas was rescued in early December 2019. He was being looked after by a foster carer who you can see in the picture below as she cuddles him. He appears to be missing his right eye. Young Thomas – he …

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One month of excellent foster care and this young cat is transformed and adopted

Okie a rescue cat fostered to recovery by Nikki

These comparison pictures of a young cat taken soon after what must have been a rescue and one month later under the foster care of Nikki Martinez show a remarkable transformation in health. I love these sorts of photos because they are so positive. They give me optimism and remind me that there are …

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Overwhelming kitten season leaves too many needing a home and too few fosters to help

With the overwhelming kitten season this year leaving too many cats needing a home and too few fosters to help, I wanted to put the need for temporary homes out there for discussion. I’ll make this article short and allow the comments to carry it. How are things in YOUR area? I’m curious as …

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