Blinded by battle, beat up male street cat finds a home

Floyd Mayweather in cage

NEW JERSEY, USA: A battle-scarred, blind street cat has been given a home. This chonky male tabby has been renamed Floyd Mayweather after the boxer by his forever human companion and caregiver. He has found warmth and love in stark contrast to his life on the street where he became blind due to constant …

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Homeless cat’s long journey to ‘furever’ happiness


This is the story of Bubby, a three legged, ginger tabby-and-white male cat with sad eyes and a charming character. He lives in Canada. Going back about eight years, he was a street cat enduring a difficult life. He showed up at the home of a man who had a cat named Seson and …

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Pictures of a recently adopted chonky, beat up street cat

Picture of an adopted chonky street cat

Like a lot of people, I love to see pictures of beat up street cats, with an expression which tells us they are mentally bruised, at last enjoying the emotional and physical warmth of a new, forever home after being adopted by kindhearted people. There’s nothing better. They need love in their lives and …

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What animal is it? Ah! It’s a cute matted cat.

Fluffer at AHS’ Second Chance Animal Trauma Hospital™

This is one of those recurring “matted cat stories”. They pop up on the Internet from time to time. They are astonishing because readers can’t understand how cat owners can allow their cats to get into such a state but often we don’t know the back story. There may be an acceptable reason but …

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Picture of dog with kitten in mouth makes you look

Dog with kitten in mouth

Ukraine: This photograph caught my eye. My first thought was that the dog was biting down on the tabby kitten but I quickly realised that the dog’s mouth was open and the kitten was passively resting inside it. The dog had just saved his feline friend from a house fire caused by a massive …

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