Essay on domestic cat sentience

Introduction The question of sentience in animals has long been a subject of philosophical, scientific, and ethical debate. Sentience, broadly defined, refers to the capacity to experience sensations, emotions, and subjective awareness. It is a fundamental characteristic that distinguishes living, feeling beings from inanimate objects or purely mechanical processes. In recent decades, advances in …

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A failure of some pet owners to recognise the intrinsic value and sentience of their companion animals

Vet and cat

My title to this article stems from a story in The Telegraph newspaper of yesterday which reports on a male veterinarian who ended his life because, in part, he was so distressed about a minority of relatively wealthy owners requesting that he euthanize their companion animals rather than treat them because the treatment would …

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Crows can hold grudges for 17 years and what about other animals?

Image by DALL·E 2024-11-01 08.31.00 - A dramatic scene in an outdoor setting featuring a black crow diving toward a man wearing an ogre mask. The man is startled, with wide eyes and an open mouth

A recent study – and one which I would argue is pretty important – discovered that crows can hold grudges for 17 years. They hold grudges against people who have maligned them; who have been harmful to them and who they don’t trust because of experiences and interactions that they have had with these …

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New Zealand is desensitizing its kids to animal sentience and causing animal pain

New Zealand's indoctrination of kids into ignoring animal sentience

OPINION AND COMMENT PLEASE NOTE: Like other animal advocates I am disgusted and shocked at New Zealand’s attitude towards feral cats and the desensitisation of New Zealand children towards causing pain in animals, to ignoring the sentience of animals, in this notorious and controversial annual competition in North Canterbury in which children and their …

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‘Dead cat strategy’ needs to be discarded

Dead cat strategy

The unfortunate and unpleasant phrase used in government and business ‘dead cat strategy’ needs to be discarded and never used again. Currently, in the UK, there is an enquiry into how the UK government dealt with the Covid-19 crisis (very badly by all accounts). It will cost a staggering £200m! What a waste of …

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