After cat bite, woman sues sister for $300,000

Cat bite

NEWS AND COMMENT: I feel that I need to comment on this story because immediately, in the first few paragraphs, I can see a problem with it. The report comes from the Independent newspaper. It tells us that a woman in Michigan, USA is suing her sister because her sister’s cat bit her on …

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Ragdoll cat put cat sitter in hospital for 4 days plus 3 weeks off work

Haze an aggressive Ragdoll cat

The Ragdoll as many know is one of the most laid-back cat breeds; perhaps the most laid back as they are selectively breed to have placid characters. However, they are domestic cats like any other at heart. Don’t believe all you read on social media and in news media. Here is a photo of …

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Cat licks your passive hand and then suddenly bites it hard. Explanation.

Cat bites hand

My conclusion from my discussion below is that domestic cats can get confused when they are licking their owner’s passive hand at a time when there is no petting and relate to the hand as food, perhaps a prey animal and bite it. It is an instinctive mental aberration brought about because of conflict …

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What is worse, a cat bite or a cat scratch?

Claw and teeth of cat

Starting with the presumption that the scratch and bite are of about equal severity, to answer the question the title I think we have to look at two things: The frequency with which bacteria is transferred from cats to people through their teeth compared to through their claws and; The ‘potency’ of the bacteria …

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Why do domestic cats fight?

In preparation for hostility

The question in the title should be extended to feral and stray cats and the answer is the same in any case. Territory The root cause of the majority of domestic cats fighting is a defence of their home range. The ‘home range’ is the territory which they consider their own. It is interesting …

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How do I know if my cat bite is infected?

How do I know if my cat bite is infected?

It is easy to tell if your cat bite is infected. The illustration below tells you. I am referring to a classic bacterial infection throughout this post. You’ll see inflammation (redness in the skin) spreading out from the place where your cat bit you. It’ll start with a small area of inflammation around the …

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Cat companion bites women singing into camera. Why?

Cat attack

The infographic explains why this cat attacked her human guardian/companion while she was singing into the camera. The video is below the infographic. Note: videos on this site are often made by third parties and held on YouTube servers or the servers of other businesses. Sometimes the videos are deleted at source which stops …

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