How pet dander triggers sinusitis and how to prevent it. Infographic.

We don’t see pet dander and we don’t see the other airborne particles and pollutants in the air in our homes. Dander flies around homes and settles on furniture. It carries the cat allergen Fel D1. As humans interpret their world visually, this lack of visual recognition can lead to us being complacent about …

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Overview of the genetics behind cat polydactylism. Infographic.

Polydactylism in domestic cats—often affectionately linked with Ernest Hemingway’s famous multitoed cats—is a well-known example of a genetic trait resulting from alterations in limb development regulation. Here’s an overview of the genetics behind this condition: 1. Autosomal Dominant Inheritance 2. The Role of Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) and Its Enhancer 3. Mechanistic Summary 4. Conclusion …

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Evolved cat ear anatomy provides wide frequency range detection. Infographic.

To the cat fancy domestic cat ears can be an anatomical feature that enhances appearance and which is ranked under the breed standard. Specifically, this is a reference to the ear flap. For Maine Coons they should be large and impressive in line with the impressive appearance of this breed. For Persians, the ear …

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Tapetum lucidum anatomy and function. Infographic.

The nighttime reflective eyes of the domestic cat are well-known and admired. They signal the crepuscular and nighttime hunting activities of our beloved companions if allowed outside. This infographic attempts to add a little bit of knowledge about this distinctive feline anatomy. Reflective eyes are synonymous with the domestic cat and indeed all cats. …

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Comparison of cat and human digestive tracts. Infographic.

The infographic explains the salient differences between the digestive tracts of cats and humans which informs us about dietary requirements. Some more: The digestive tract of a domestic cat (Felis catus) differs significantly from that of humans (Homo sapiens) due to their distinct dietary adaptations. Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning their digestive system is …

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Reason why domestic cat eyes constrict to a slit. Infographic.

As might be expected this is all about evolution and survival. The fundamental reason why the domestic cat’s iris constricts the pupil to a slit as opposed to an oval – as occurs for the tiger – is that it makes survival easier as a small, crepuscular, ambush predator. The infographic explains this more …

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Protractile domestic cat’s claws. Infographic.

Although nearly always described as ‘retractile’ claws, the claws of the domestic cat are technically ‘protractile’ for the reasons stated and illustrated in the infographic below. Here is an extended treatise of the above infographic. The claws of domestic cats (Felis catus) are retractile, though the term “protractile” is technically more accurate. Here’s how …

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Sometimes cats don’t look at you when spoken to. Infographic.

People who are unsure about domestic cats sometimes say that they are aloof and standoffish. This alleged aloofness can be seen, they’d say, when they don’t turn their heads towards you when you speak to them. This is not aloofness in the human meaning of the word. It is the behaviour of a different …

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