Nice photo of a cat’s claws with whiskers in the background

Good photo of a cat's claws

This nicely visualised photo of a cat’s claws with whiskers in the background caught my eye today. It is important to celebrate the anatomy of the domestic cat. A cat’s claws are a major part of the cat. They are not an annoying piece of anatomy to be removed at the whim of the …

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How did this cat get a claw in her eye?

Simon, Rey and the claw sheath removed from her eye

NEWS/OPINION-COVENTRY, UK: Coventry veterinarian Simon Pudsey had never seen it before he said; a one-year-old cat with an ‘entire’ claw stuck in one of her eyes. The cat, Rey, was at the veterinary clinic for flea treatment, deworming and a checkup and Rey’s owner, Matt, asked Simon to have a look at his cat’s …

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Why do cats have a dewclaw?

Cat dewclaw picture

The dewclaw is attached to the fifth digit of the forepaws of cats. Normally this digit is high up and away from the other four. For some domestic cats this rudimentary digit is actually a solid looking thumb. The dewclaw is still useful to a cat because although the fifth toe is short and …

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Domestic cats can’t go into reverse which is why they struggle to get down trees

Ginger cat in tree

Cats, like humans, don’t naturally go into reverse. They don’t like walking backwards. They may do so for a short distance to avoid something, a hostile object or creature, but beyond that they aren’t very good at it. We know that cat’s claws point backwards. They point towards the rear of the animal when …

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Kitten with Freddie Krueger claws

Black kitten's claws

A black kitten with very nicely developed claws. Why kittens are born with claws and why cats need them #IfCatsRanTwitter the claws would really come out when dealing with trolls and people who hate cats. — “Mad Cat” Cattis (@GeneralCattis) December 29, 2018 Cat Claw Anatomy Facts For Kids

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