Declaw Bouquets and Brickbats for Veterinarians

By Ruth aka Kattaddorra Definition of a virtual bouquet: A compliment or expression of praise. Definition of a virtual brickbat: A remark or comment that is highly critical and typically insulting. Rose’s thoughts on another page about Pine Grove Animal Hospital inspired this article and poster: She said: ‘Just been mulling this over and …

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Cat Scratching a Scratching Post Pictures

This is about cat scratching. Valley Girl (VG), in America, took a very nice picture of her super, rescued, polydactyl, smokey, female Maine Coon, Tootsie, with a ruff to match anything from 16th century Europe. She has the best ruff you’ll see on a cat but this post is not about Tootsie’s ruff, it’s …

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Ban Declawing in Washington, D.C.

There is a petition to ban declawing in Washington, D.C.. This is a good idea because it is the capital of the United States. Banning it there may lead to a domino effect. An interesting point was made by the person who set up the petition. There was a recent criminal prosecution of a …

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