Domestic Cats Can Taste Bitterness but We’re Not Sure Why

Domestic cats can taste bitterness

Humans have bitter taste receptors to taste bitterness in plants that we eat. Also, for humans a bitter taste can indicate that the food should not be eaten as bitterness under certain circumstances is associated with toxins. Domestic cats are, as we know, strict meat eaters and it has puzzled scientists as to why …

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Japanese Bobtail Cats Predict Tsunami and Howl a Warning

Tashirojima, off the Japanese coast, is sometimes called Cat Island. Incidentally, there is another Cat Island off Hawaii. The Japanese Cat Island has this name because, apparently, there are about 100 people living on the island but there are 300 cats. Initially they were brought to the island to kill mice to stop them …

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Cat Memory: How Good Is It?

How good is a cat’s memory? This is an important question because it affects the behaviour of a cat and it can affect the way our cat interacts and relates to us. However, you will struggle to find solid information about cat memory on the Internet. This page, therefore, is based upon what I …

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Cats and people like a soothing sense of community

Fundamentally cats and people like the same things. Here’s a little snippet of information which tells us that we are like cats in many ways. We know that cats rub themselves against us and objects in our home to deposit scent on those objects to make the place more friendly. When they rub against …

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