Do cats like certain people because of their body scent?

Whether a cat likes or dislikes a person is partly based on the person’s scent (body odour). I have had this idea for some time. I have no science to back it up because there is none. We know how sensitive cats are to scent. Cats almost use their noses like we use our …

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Colorado Flash Floods Cat Story

This is a little vignette of a cat story to come out of the recent Colorado flash floods. Jon and Deyn Johnson had a holiday cottage business called “Whispering Pines Cottages” in Estes Park, Colorado next to the Big Thompson River. This is where it is – sorry was. View Larger Map On the …

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Domestic Arguments Make Cats Anxious

There are millions of heated arguments between husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend every day. You can visualise it. There are probably 10 million of them happening right now in North America alone. Update: I have been criticised in a comment for referring to America in the above statement. I am apparently America bashing. …

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Macabre: Throwing Kittens From Moving Cars

When you think about it, throwing kittens from moving cars is a macabre combination of car culture and treating animals as rubbish. How bizarre is that? It is a perversion of normal human behavior. What is this connection between cars and kittens? Why have the “kitten throwers” got a kitten in the car in …

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Interesting Cat Facts (Senses)

Interesting Cat Facts (Senses) by Michael (London, UK) The super mobile cat ear – photo by Wombatunderground1 (Flickr) A concise page of interesting cat facts to do with its senses. Although we are often not that aware of it, the domestic cat has amazing senses, sometimes many times more sensitive than ours. This is …

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Cats and Earthquake Awareness

by Susie Bearder (Lorca, Spain) I thought that Jessie was having hormone problems as she would not come in the house, preferring to sleep in the long grass all night instead of her usual place between my partner and me – and the Westie for that matter. Two days later we experienced an earthquake …

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