Domestic cat maternal aggression

Domestic cat maternal aggression is instinctive

Domestic cat maternal aggression is also referred to as maternal protective aggression. It’s what you think it is: a queen’s protective behaviour towards perceived threats to her kittens. It’s a natural instinct when she is caring for her young. In Peter Neville’s book Do Cats Need Shrinks? a client of his, Susan Swift, asked …

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Domestic cats walk differently when they are pregnant

Waddling pregnant cat

Obviously, domestic cats continue to walk around the home when they are pregnant but as the pregnancy progresses and their body changes, they adapt their gait accordingly. The mother-to-be may adopt a wider stance, take smaller steps and waddle as you see in the video on this page. It’s always wise to consult with …

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I can feel my cat’s kittens in her belly

Pregnant cat

The title comes from a Google search, which prompts Google to throw up suggested search terms. This is one of them. It implies that a cat owner can feel their cat’s kittens in her belly. The slightly worrying aspect of this is that veterinarians advise that, “Palpitating the queen’s abdomen requires experience and gentleness, …

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