Lots of Asian cats have bent and short tails. Why?

Rudolph Furtado, POC’s Asian reporter in Mumbai, India, has recently returned from Indonesia where he noticed a large number of short-tailed cats and some with kinked tails. Singapore SPCA say short tailed cats are common and they are born that way. That is the obvious reason: genetics and inheritance; however, Robinson’s Genetics (a well-known …

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Maine Coon Characteristics

Introduction This is an alternative view on the subject of Maine Coon characteristics, which refers to notable aspects of the cat’s physical appearance and her/his personality. The entire internet is chock-a-block with conventional descriptions of the characteristics of the Maine Coon. One article feeds the other. It is article inbreeding 😉 The way that …

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Curly Ringtailed Kitten or Kinked Tail?

A visitor to PoC would like some input on whether his cat carries the American Ringtail genes or indeed whether his cat has a genuine ringtail. The tail is certainly curly or corkscrew. The cat’s name is Pippi and she was adopted with this curly tail. Thank you very much for visiting, asking and …

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