Minimalist cat art by Asian American artist Anita Yan Wong

Anita Yan Wong art work of a cat

Anita Yan Wong is an Asian American Women Artist best known for her expressive brush strokes and unique style of “Contemporary Traditional” paintings that defies tradition and modernity. The artist, who taught at UC Berkeley S.F. extension California in recent years, is a 4th generation Lingnan painter (which originated in southern China in the …

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Grumpy Cat ascii

Grumpy Cat ascii is a form of mainly internet art (if you can call it that) which you create by only using the keyboard of a computer. A lot of people like to sign off their comments or emails with a miniature ascii artwork, usually a cat’s ears if they are cat lovers. “ascii” …

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Cute kitten pictures make you work better

If you want to work in a more focused and therefore more productive manner, look at some cute kitten pictures beforehand. Cuteness creates a more positive mentality, which in turn allows the mind to become more focused. That seems to be the conclusion of a Japanese study. The question I would ask is, “how …

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Two Black and White Cats 405 Years Apart

The black and white cat has been around for ever. These pictures show us almost identical looking cats from 1603 and 2008. A time span of 405 years. That is about the entire time the domestic cat has been in North America by some accounts. The painting was done at Boughton House, Northamptonshire, England. …

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Cat Posters

A series of cat posters by Ruth, AKA Kattaddorra on various subjects. This is an expanding page. You are free to use them. The best way to do this is to click on the small images above. A full sized poster about the size of a typical sheet of paper will come up. You …

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