Why do cats suddenly make mad dashes around the house?

Feline zoomies

Why do cats suddenly make mad dashes around the house? This is otherwise known as the zoomies or the cat crazies. It is a very comprehensively discussed topic on the internet. I have written about it before but here I go for a third time! Every cat caregiver has noticed their cat companion suddenly …

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Cat zoomies: what do they tell us about human behaviour?

Feline zoomies

When people discuss cat zoomies, they invariably discuss feline behaviour. They tell us why domestic cats do the zoomies. It’s a feline thing. A problem of sorts. It’s amusing. You will see lots of videos of cats dashing around their homes in a sudden outburst of energy. Cat zoomies are particularly good on hard …

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All cats are autistic! Discuss.

All cats are autistic

Arguably autism is a false human construct and no-one has it. Call autistic kids something else if you want to label them because they behave differently to most others. If that’s true domestic cats don’t and can’t have it 😕 . You could label autistic kids poor communicators or anti-social instead. Autism certainly does …

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How do I know if my cat is bored?

Cat crazies

About 10 minutes ago, my cat was bored. I knew he was bored because he started doing stupid things. He started to run around. He dived under my bed and then jumped out of it. He went behind the curtains looking wild eyed. He then sat hunched on the ground looking a bit bemused. …

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