Why does my cat’s back twitch or ripple when I touch it?

Cat back rippling in a healthy cat

If your cat is clearly healthy as observed in a non-expert’s way, it is not abnormal or a sign of a health problem if their back ripples when gently touched. It is more likely to happen if your cat is unaware of what is going on. It simply means that your cat is slightly …

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Can domestic cats try and deceive each other?

Can and do domestic cats deceive each other?

Before answering the question, we have to define the word ‘deceive’. Definition: to deliberately cause (someone) to believe something that is not true, especially for personal gain. I have never seen any cat behaviourists try to work out if domestic cats try to deceive each other. The activity of deception as carried out by …

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Cat’s strong, clear, facial expression and strange sound signals annoyance about owner’s behaviour

Unhappy cat held in the wrong way makes a strange sound

This cat is clearly unhappy and about to attack but owner presses on and holds her cat the wrong way. The woman who is holding her cat (and I have presumed that this is her cat) can clearly see that he is unhappy by the expression on his face. But she presses on regardless, …

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Is it normal for a cat to give you the silent treatment after you’ve been gone for just one day?

Sulking cat? No, just having fun.

Is it normal for a kitten or cat to give you the silent treatment after you’ve been gone for just one day? The question tells us that some people think that domestic cats or kittens become angry when their owner leaves them alone for a long time and express their anger through deliberate silence. …

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