How do cats react to music?

How do cats react to music?

We remain unsure about domestic cats’ reaction to music. More than 30 years ago, the great Dr. Desmond Morris said that domestic cats react idiosyncratically to the sound of music. What he was saying is that each individual cat reacts in their own way to human music because at that time no one had …

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14 suggestions about domestic cats not using the litter box

It's not inappropriate elimination because for me it is appropriate to avoid the litter tray.

Introduction: The problem of domestic cats not using the litter box is the source of millions of articles. It is euphemistically called “inappropriate elimination”. It is an inaccurate description because from the cat’s standpoint it is entirely appropriate because there’s a reason behind their behaviour and this article sets out 14 different possible reasons. …

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Infographic on “Why do cats purr”?

purring for FB

This is an infographic which explains definitively in my opinion why domestic cats purr from a behavioral standpoint. There has to be a reason which encompasses a spectrum of circumstances under which domestic cats purr. You can’t simply say that cats purr when content. They do but that’s part of the picture. The infographic …

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Quiet, subtle sounds can stress cats too

Keeping it quiet for your cat

Quiet, subtle sounds can be perceived by a domestic cat as a threat, possibly the sign of a predator. It is instinctive to domestic cats to be alert to these sounds. They may be innocuous to us. We might not even hear them. My cat often picks up sounds well before me. Sometimes he …

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10 ways to help your pet survive nightly fireworks as Fourth of July approaches

We need quiet fireworks for our cats

PETA has provided 10 useful tips to help your cat navigate or indeed survive what will seem to some to be a barrage of firework displays leading up to the 4th of July in America. We are told that many cities are experiencing firework displays nightly and they appear to be louder than in …

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