Infographic on ‘Train to reduce acquired fear in your cat’

Fearful cat by DALLE E

Fear in a cat can be ‘trained in’ by bad experiences. This infographic is about ‘training out’ that acquired fear (fear developed through experience) through a sensitive, graded and progressive approach to desensitizing the fearful and anxious cat. It is training the brain to accept what once frightened them. The points I want to …

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Why are domestic cats scared of cucumbers?

Although this precise question has been asked and answered many times, I will throw my hat into the ring, briefly. There are two reasons why cats are scared of cucumbers, (1) they are hardwired to avoid snakes as they’ve inherited an instinct to regard them as dangerous and the cucumber has similar dimensions, except …

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Can cats be scared of the dark?

Can domestic cats be scared of the dark?

Summary: Domestic cats might, exceptionally and unusually, be temporarily scared of the dark despite being strongly predisposed to venturing out in the dark because they are crepuscular by nature. It is a strange question because cats can see well in the dark, as we know (click this to see what they see). This should …

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Do cats hate cameras? Taylor Swift’s cat Meredith does!

Taylor Swift's cat Meredith hates cameras

Whether or not cats hate cameras depends on the individual cat. However, I believe that there is a potential issue for cats with cameras being placed in front of their faces. But what is interesting, based on personal experience, is that domestic cats can equally dislike conventional looking cameras such as SLRs with a …

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When Kitty is afraid of new people. Getting comfortable with visitors.

Anxious cat

Although the response of a domestic cat to new people in their home (including visitors) will vary between individuals depending on their confidence and character, in general domestic cats will be fearful and defensive. There are one or two things which can be done to assuage some of the anxiety and make them more …

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How do I make my cat less scared?

Playing with a cat helps make them less fearful in a poor environment

I think we have to look at the problem of scared cats with reference to two different circumstances. Cats can be fearful or freaked out on somebody or something temporarily or they can be in a constant state of anxiety and fear. The circumstances are different and therefore the solutions are different. We also …

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