Do cats fear death?

Cats don't think of heaven

No, cats do not fear death. The reason is straightforward. Cats are not self-aware by which I mean self-conscious. Some people will dispute that statement. I’ll proceed though. As they are not self-aware when they are in pain or discomfort due to a chronic illness which is killing them or a sudden trauma and …

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What are cats scared of?

Scared cat

Domestic cats are scared of one thing: being attacked by a predator. This fear can be shown in a wide range of circumstances which might mask the root cause of the behaviour. This fundamental and completely instinctive fear of failing to survive is inherited from the domestic cat’s wild ancestor. If a cat becomes …

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Trump on TV scares cat

Trump on TV scares cat

I suppose Trump is scary. This cat has good sense 😉 So what is it about Trump that scared this cute cat? We have no idea but it is possible that the cat had been scared by a person with a similar appearance or who sounded like Trump and he has learned to avoid …

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