A cat’s senses are ready and waiting

Cat senses for survival

Here comes Toji! – Photo by fofurasfelinas (link at base of page) This is a really nice picture by a well-known Flickr photographer, Giane Portal, Flickr name: forfurasfelinas, of a sanctuary or rescue cat (she is heavily involved in cat rescue) named Toji. As we can see, he is a brown mackerel tabby cat …

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Rescue and domestic cats need their personal space (peripersonal space) like humans

Rescue cats enjoy their personal space at Ernesto's Sanctuary in Syria

Rescue cats and domestic cats and indeed feral cats in colonies, all need their personal space just like humans. These photographs clearly illustrate this aspect of their character. When food arrives, they prioritise getting the food over the need for personal space and come together. Immediately I saw these photographs of rescue cats at …

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Infographic on ‘Train to reduce acquired fear in your cat’

Fearful cat by DALLE E

Fear in a cat can be ‘trained in’ by bad experiences. This infographic is about ‘training out’ that acquired fear (fear developed through experience) through a sensitive, graded and progressive approach to desensitizing the fearful and anxious cat. It is training the brain to accept what once frightened them. The points I want to …

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Cats sleeping in the ‘dead position’

How domestic cats sleep and snooze sometimes which shows that they feel secure

When domestic cats sleep in the “dead position” (i.e. they look as if they are dead) it’s because they feel sublimely secure in their home environment. They are belly-up and therefore vulnerable. I don’t think you’ll see this very often if ever in the wild. I’m referring to the wildcat ancestor of the domestic …

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