Study finds that low-dose radiotherapy is a highly effective treatment for feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC)

Archer Seaman

A study carried out at NC State College of Veterinary Medicine has found that low-dose radiation therapy is a highly effective treatment for feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC) by reducing the inflammation and very importantly, apparently, preventing a recurrence. It was known that low-dose radiation therapy is an effective treatment for other inflammatory conditions such …

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How many cat scratching posts do you need in a multi-cat home?

How many cat scratching posts do you need in a multi-cat home?

I think this is quite a complicated question and I’ll try and tell you why. I’m mainly thinking of the full-time indoor cat scenario where there might be half a dozen cats living in the owner’s home. From the cats’ perspective, the house will be divided up into six ‘home ranges’ which overlap in …

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4 steps a cat owner cat take to help prevent stress-induced cystitis

The potential for cat stress caused by anxiety is an important component in a cat caregiver's knowledge

I believe that this topic is an important part of cat caregiving as domestic cats are likely to be stressed more often than cat owners typically believe. Up to two-thirds of cats taken to a vet for urination problems including bloody urine and inappropriate urination have no health issues. But they have an inflamed …

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Signs that a cat can’t establish his territory outside their owner’s home

Cats looking out of window might rarely lead to one succumbing to redirected aggression

In a suburban environment where there are houses and backyards (gardens) close together and where there are cat owners, often the backyard of one home is shared by more than one cat as each claims it as part of their home range. In areas of dense home and cat owning families there will be …

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Likely reason why well-cared for domestic cats leave the security of their home

Dr. John Bradshaw in his book Cat Sense tells us that surveys of domestic cat ownership in the UK confirm that many stray cats have got ‘lost’ (probably temporarily) having left a home in which they were cared for properly. They lived in nice homes with a good owner. This can happen in about …

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Gabapentin substantially improves adoption rate of shelter cats rescued from a hoarding environment

Gabapentin combined with a behaviour modification program can substantially improve rescue cats' rehabilitation and therefore chances of adoption after being rescued from a cat hoarding environment

Cats living with a cat hoarder are almost invariably neglected. They are often only partly socialised, stressed and unhealthy. After rescue, a substantial percentage of them do not take well to a rescue facility. It may be so bad for them that they stop eating and toileting. They are essentially unadoptable because they’re so …

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Can domestic cats try and deceive each other?

Can and do domestic cats deceive each other?

Before answering the question, we have to define the word ‘deceive’. Definition: to deliberately cause (someone) to believe something that is not true, especially for personal gain. I have never seen any cat behaviourists try to work out if domestic cats try to deceive each other. The activity of deception as carried out by …

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Animal shelters are reluctant to allow a person to foster a cat if they have an existing cat

New cat

There appears to be a distinct difference in opinion between animal shelters and cat owners. I’m told that there is an increase in multi-cat homes in the US. I don’t know the percentage of homes in which there are several cats in that country but it must be substantial. But if you want to …

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