Domestic cats walk differently when they are pregnant

Waddling pregnant cat

Obviously, domestic cats continue to walk around the home when they are pregnant but as the pregnancy progresses and their body changes, they adapt their gait accordingly. The mother-to-be may adopt a wider stance, take smaller steps and waddle as you see in the video on this page. It’s always wise to consult with …

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Are there any gay cats?

Are there any gay cats?

The answer, as the image on this page states, is yes and no. It seems that domestic cats can behave as gay rather than heterosexual when they are sufficiently frustrated because they are unable to mate with the opposite sex. Under these circumstances their behavior is called an ‘overspilling of sexual activity’. It is …

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De-sexing our cats changes them from real animals to living toys

How we like them

We are fooling ourselves if we believe we are forced to spay and neuter our cats for their benefit and ours and to solely keep down the domestic cat population. Spaying and neutering are invasive operations; they remove the sex organs of the female and male cat. This both prevents reproduction and alters behaviour. …

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Anti-spay and neuter comment “How about if we don’t try to force our opinions on others”

Barn kittens

This is the response by a person who commented on a Facebook thread where an animal advocate asked people to please spay and neuter their pets. The comment below first made me think this person is clueless (I’d REALLY like to use more colorful words such as STUPID). The second thought that came to …

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Renny: The only ‘symptom’ he was sick was he refused to go to bed with me

I’d like to tell everyone about the ordeal this past week with my adopted cat Renny. Renny was a feral kitten when I adopted him from a kill shelter back in 2011. He took months to tame and eventually became my “bed buddy.” That is, until last weekend when he refused to get in …

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When Do Most Cats Start to Meow?

Each cat learns to meow at different stages in their lives dependent on the circumstance and the individual cat but around 4-6 months might be the first time. When did your cat first meow? My cat Gabriel has just uttered his first real meow. He is 4 months old. He has become more vocal. …

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Cat Changes To Look Out For (health)

Your cat may not be feeling well if you notice any one or more of the following changes in your cat. Obviously you will need to rule out other reasons for changes such as environmental changes. You’ll also have to know what your cat’s normal behaviors are. As usual this means being observant and …

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