A Way That A Domestic Cat Says Thank You

Domestic cats don’t really understand the human concept of saying thank you but in their own way they say it. It is more an action of reinforcing friendship than an out-and-out thank you. When I feed my cat the best food I can get him, before I can open the food and place it …

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The Seemingly Irrational Social Behaviour of the Domestic Cat

Dr. Michael J Fox, a well known veterinarian and anti-declaw advocate, adopted two cats with the assistance of his wife, Deanna Krantz. One, who they named Twain was “truly feral”. The other, Pinto, was a lost stray. He adopted Twain first and when Pinto came along he separated them, initially, to gradually introduce them …

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Truly Unique Interspecies Friendship – Domestic Cat and Owl

Please watch this to the end. There are some amazing interactions between cat and owl. They have both modified their behavior somewhat to interact so well and intimately: the owl walking a lot and the cat jumping up and climbing trees to get to his owl buddy. Post by Fundacja Międzynarodowy Ruch Na Rzecz …

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