Siberian Cat Plays With Fox

Another slice of Siberian cat life, this time from the Far East.  The cat’s name is “Syoma”. He is an all-white cat with copper eyes and a dense short double coat. His work is to keep the rodent population down around the houses at the entrance to the Kronotsky Nature Reserve on the Kamchatka …

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Cats are Aloof. Discuss

Online newspaper reporters continually state that cats are “aloof”. This is patently incorrect. The reporters don’t have an opinion because they often have no experience of caring for a cat. They unthinkingly recycle what has often been repeated before. If you like or love a cat and, as a consequence, through constant interaction and …

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Do cats like certain people because of their body scent?

Whether a cat likes or dislikes a person is partly based on the person’s scent (body odour). I have had this idea for some time. I have no science to back it up because there is none. We know how sensitive cats are to scent. Cats almost use their noses like we use our …

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Tortie Cat and Cuddly Parrot

Just a cat picture on Pictures of! You may have seen it already. I hadn’t until yesterday. It is one of those glorious interspecies friendships. Both the cat and parrot are smart. The parrot is particularly smart as I recall. One of the smartest animals, which is why he chose a cat as a friend.

As a bonus the cat is stunning. There is bit of white in the coat but I don’t it think qualifies this cat to be called a calico, but perhaps I am wrong.

Tortie cat and cuddly parrot
Tortie cat and cuddly parrot

Click for a list of pages on PoC of interspecies friendships and liaisons.

How Do Cats Choose Cat Friends?

by Elisa Black-Taylor (USA) Precious Moments Cassie wasn’t happy 🙁 One happy family! Furby and Cassie Good day readers. I’m sorry this isn’t an article on how cats choose their cat friends. I need help and the internet has very little to offer me on this subject. So I’m turning to the readers here …

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