10 facts about the space used by cats allowed outside

Domestic cats don't travel far when allowed outside

This is information from a Norwegian study but it represents domestic cats generally in ‘developed countries’ because domestic cats anywhere have the same mentality on home range size. I was not sure how to present it but decided in the end to simply state the facts. I found that the results very much matched …

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Domestic cat territory – home ranges vary widely

How large is domestic cat territory? As large as the front living room. No, I am being sarcastic but for some this is almost true. I am talking about what is referred to as the ‘home range’ of the domestic cat when free to roam as a high percentage are in the UK, but …

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Cat exclusion zones in new Australian housing developments

Domestic cat home range mapped

I suspect that this has being considered by the Australian authorities: cat exclusion zones within new housing developments in Australia if those developments are near important wildlife sites. The idea is to create a buffer zone within a housing development so that wildlife is protected. I couldn’t find a specific example of this in …

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Being sensitive to the connection that cats have to their home range

It is like he wanted our help

This is a video which shows us how a workplace employee (or business owner, not sure which) was delightfully sensitive to the connection that a stray cat had to his ‘home range’. All species of cat have a home range, which is the place they consider their home and which varies tremendously in size …

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Cat gives up being well cared for to sleep rough in his own territory

Gucci and Vicky

How many times have domestic cat wandered back to their territory after they have moved to a new home a few miles away? Or if the move is many miles they may attempt to return and fail. They become lost but in all these instances domestic cats have prioritised being in what they consider …

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