Siberian Cat Plays With Fox

Another slice of Siberian cat life, this time from the Far East.  The cat’s name is “Syoma”. He is an all-white cat with copper eyes and a dense short double coat. His work is to keep the rodent population down around the houses at the entrance to the Kronotsky Nature Reserve on the Kamchatka …

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Kleptocats: play-hunt with them to stop it

Do kleptocats tells us something about cat behaviour and the instinctive drives within our domestic cats? Dusty is an American kleptocat and Norris is an English kleptocat. Norris lives in Bristol, England. He is a two year old tabby. He roams the Bristol suburb, Bedminster, where he lives and “steals” anything and everything from …

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Cats are not domesticated enough. Discuss

John Bradshaw “one of the world’s leading experts on animal behavior” says that whereas dogs have been bred over thousands of years to get along with their human companion, cats are still too wild. The cat is still a solitary predator, concerned with protecting his territory and unable to live in the modern, human …

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Newspaper Misleads on Cat Predation of Birds

Once again a newspaper has misreported a study on cat predation that is misleading in itself. It is double trouble and unfair on the domestic cat. I have to at least report this, briefly. This time it is the Times newspaper of June 29th 2013. The article was written by Toom Whipple and Oliver …

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