The Cat Torments His Prey

People who don’t like cats criticise the species for being nasty and mean because they play with their prey, which is usually a mouse. Harrison Weir, the founder of the cat fancy, calls this “The Cat as a Tormentor”. He quotes Shakespeare, in his poem “The Rape of Lucrece”, saying: “Yet foul night-waking cat, …

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Domestic Cat Hunting

by Michael (London) Reproduced under creative commons copyright Sean Dreilinger Domestic cat hunting is rarely on my cat’s agenda. This is for three reasons. First she is overweight. Second she is old. Third there’s not much to hunt around here. In the sterilized world of clean suburban living the rodent population is reduced. When …

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Domestic cat preying unlikely to effect population size of prey species

This is quite a difficult subject; how domestic cats affect the population sizes of wildlife. We know that domestic cats that are allowed outside can and sometimes do attack and catch small animals. These are  mammals and birds usually. A lot of people who don’t like cats tend to produce data that more or …

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Chubby moggy reveals great bird hunting skills

by Finn Frode (Copenhagen, Denmark) Snow White at rest but alert Watching the big flatscreen display Great Tit Never underestimate the hunting skills of your cat. No matter how indolent and comfortable with having every meal served, inside every domestic cat resides a great hunter. Our moggy Snow White seems like a chubby, laid-back …

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Cats – Natural Born Rat Killers

by Poochu (India) Rat Catcher Rat Catcher Message to humans….my adopted cat helps me keep my home and environment “rat-free”. Please do not declaw any cat or kitten for your selfish needs. I seldom get an opportunity to photograph my cats with their prey. Here are a couple of photos to prove my point. …

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