Why do cats visit other homes and people if they have an owner who cares for them?

Why do cats visit other houses and people if they have an owner who cares for them?

The answer to the question in the title can be found in the domestic cat’s inherited character. Each domestic cat has their own “home range”. This is the territory that they call their space in much the same way that people call their apartment or their house their home. And a domestic cat’s home …

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Handsome one-eyed cat loses part of his tail and is treated with manuka honey

One eyed cat's dangerous escapade

Ronney’s dangerous escapade lost him another part of his anatomy…… A one-eyed cat has survived a 150 mile trip on a hot car engine in the UK. Vets treated his first degree burns with manuka honey. Manuka honey has antiseptic properties preventing infection. It is the first time that I have read about manuka …

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