Unconcerned domestic cat leaps off balcony 12 feet up onto sidewalk to chase a cat

Nugget leaps from 12 feet onto a hard surface

Nugget, a domestic cat, was on a balcony attached to what looks like a first-floor apartment in a condo. I am guessing the height. Anyway, it looks too high for a cat to safely jump from especially as it is onto a pavement (sidewalk) and therefore a hard surface. But he is compelled to …

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Why do cats move their heads from side to side?

Pre-lunge in attack or jumping may include head swaying

You might have noticed that when a domestic cat is (a) jumping precisely onto a platform of some description or (b) preparing to make their final pounce when attacking, they sometimes sway their heads rhythmically from side to side. This is a method employed by many predators who have binocular vision. You’ll see head …

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Huge leap by tiny kitten

Huge leap by tiny kitten

Relative to this kitten’s size (very young – several weeks old), this little fella makes an almighty leap from a sofa. If you magnified it up to an adult cat it would be a leap of impressive distance. And it took a lot of confidence.

How can a cat (approx. 5Kg) jump on my lap so gently that I don’t notice her arrival?

Street cat regularly jumps on this person's lap when he comes by

The answer is simple. Domestic cats are supremely skilled at judging the distance to jump. They exercise precisely the amount of force needed to traverse the exact, measured distance. Therefore the landing on the target object is nearly always very light. In other words there is no downward pressure through the paw pads on …

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Adopted cat returned to shelter after three months because she “jumped on things”

This is the story of Avalon, and thankfully it has a happy ending. Avalon was adopted over the weekend. A lot of cats aren’t so fortunate once they end up back at the shelter. Avalon was adopted from Davidson County Animal Shelter in Lexington, North Carolina around three months ago. The family brought her back …

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