These side-by-side videos tell the story behind adult domestic cat kneading. PLEASE CLICK ON THE PLAY BUTTON AT BOTTOM-LEFT OF THE VIDEO TO PLAY THE TWO VIDEOS SIMULTANEOUSLY. Despite the copious amount of information on the internet about this form of feline behaviour some people don’t know the reason. Fair enough. Here is the reason. The newborn kitten kneads their mother’s breast to encourage the production of colostrum when feeding. The video on the left shows this clearly. Clearly, the adult cat is no longer a newborn kitten feeding at their mother’s breast but they think they are kittens because their every need is provided for by their human caregiver who acts as if they are surrogate mothers. This encourages the adult cat to never grow up emotionally and so they drop into the habits they had when they were newborn kittens even if it has nothing to do with feeding on their mother’s colostrum. It is entirely instinctive. The adult cat most often kneads their owners clothes while on their lap or their bedding as it smells strongly of them. Or as seen in the video they knead any part of their owner including their face. Just keep the claws trimmed please!
kitten feeding
Should I give my cat food after vomiting?
The answer to the question depends upon whether your cat is regurgitating or vomiting and the kind of vomiting which is taking place. Regurgitation needs to be differentiated from vomiting so we can get that out of the way first. This topic is veterinarian’s work but cat caregivers need to have some knowledge about …
How long can a domestic cat go without food?
The question is meant to help cat owners who are aware that their cat has stopped eating for an unknown reason and the question enters their mind as to how long their cat can stop feeding until further problems arise. It would be an unlikely scenario, however. And, it is difficult to find an …
How to give a kitten milk replacement formula
I am taking this information exclusively from the work of four veterinarians in writing the reference book Cat Owner’s Home Veterinary Handbook. It is an excellent book. I don’t have personal experience of feeding kittens with milk replacement formula. Kittens can be fed milk replacement using a special pet nursing bottle or the commercially …
Can kittens drink dog milk? Can kittens nurse from a dog?
% solids Calories per 100cc % Protein % Fat % Carbs Cat 18 90 42 25 26 Dog 24 150 33 33 16 Cow 12 70 25 35 38 Feline milk replacer 18 100 42 25 26 Dog milk replacer 125 33 42 14 This is a table showing the different compositions of cat, …
Do cats like their water bowl at a distance from their food bowl?
People ask: Why do cats like their water separate from their food? They are asking if cats like their water bowl at a distance from their food bowl. And if they do; why? You see some pretty fancy arguments as to why cats like this but I’d bet my bottom dollar that these are …
Kittens have no idea what their mother is meant to smell like
In the natal den, soon after birth, kittens recognise their mother immediately via three senses: warmth, feel and smell. However, they probably have little idea what their mother is meant to smell like. The smell of their mother is not in their DNA. This has been proved when kittens suckled an artificial ‘mother’ which …