Domestic cats lick fur instinctively

Cat licking another cat's fur (2)

My belief is that domestic cats lick fur instinctively by which I mean without conscious thought. It just happens. This goes against the grain of what we want to believe. You’d have thought that cats would have some conscious control over self-grooming and allogrooming (licking another cat). With respect to grooming another cat there …

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Criticizing the study which says that cats are reluctant to prey on rats

Kitten attacks toy mouse

All over the Internet, at the moment, there is the result of a study on the predation of rats by feral cats which took place in New York City, USA. Misconception The conclusion of the study is that feral cats have little interest in attacking and killing rats. Therefore, the public has a misconception …

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Why does the stray cat I’m petting try to reach my face?

Feline head butt

This is another question on The answer is quite straightforward. The cat you are petting is much smaller than you. The cat regards you as another cat and she wishes to be friendly towards you by rubbing against you, merging scents, head butting your head and perhaps touching noses. These are all friendly …

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