Understanding the natural social organisation within cat colonies

A subordinate cat waits while a higher ranking cat eats

With more multi-cat, full-time indoor cat arrangements, it’s important that people understand the natural social organisation of cats. And perhaps the greatest problem for a cat caregiver when looking after cats in a multi-cat home is adding a cat to the “colony”. In effect a multi-cat home is a managed colony of cats. They …

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14 suggestions about domestic cats not using the litter box

It's not inappropriate elimination because for me it is appropriate to avoid the litter tray.

Introduction: The problem of domestic cats not using the litter box is the source of millions of articles. It is euphemistically called “inappropriate elimination”. It is an inaccurate description because from the cat’s standpoint it is entirely appropriate because there’s a reason behind their behaviour and this article sets out 14 different possible reasons. …

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Resource guarding by dogs and cats. Food guarding used to assess adoptability of dogs.

Resource guarding by dogs as a way to test for adoptability

In this article I’m going to discuss resource guarding in cats and dogs. It is a much more important topic for dogs because it can lead to injury but this is very rarely the case for cats. Therefore, the dog section is much bigger than the cat section! One dog behaviorist assesses a dog’s …

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Why do domestic cats fight?

In preparation for hostility

The question in the title should be extended to feral and stray cats and the answer is the same in any case. Territory The root cause of the majority of domestic cats fighting is a defence of their home range. The ‘home range’ is the territory which they consider their own. It is interesting …

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