Cat uses pedestrian crossing like a human – learned or coincidence?

Cat uses a pedestrian crossing like a human

The reason why I have said that this cat uses the pedestrian crossing like a human is because they wait at one end of the pedestrian crossing until the traffic comes to a halt. Then they trot over to the other side. There is no darting across. It is as if this cat has …

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Orange Tabby Cat Stars in Major New Film and Raises Profile of Domestic Cats

Ulysses, the ginger tabby cat who is a co-star of the new Coen brothers film about music is in fact three cats. I didn’t realise that but I do know that he is a key player in this acclaimed film, which, I believe, raises the profile of all domestic cats. It makes all domestic …

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Dog Poo vs Cat Poo – Redressing the balance

Cats often get a raw deal compared to dogs. Declawing is an example. Another example is cats kept inside full-time or cats being shot at with bullets in the USA and air gun pellets in the UK5. There appears to be more feral cats than feral dogs in Europe and feral cats are often …

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When is putting a cat on a leash acceptable?

Is the answer, never? I know a lot of people don’t like cats on a leash like a dog. I can understand that. Some of my esteemed colleagues on PoC don’t like them. Perhaps all of you don’t like them. I have to gently disagree on this occasion (rare). Please give this video time …

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