The domestic cat is self-contained

The self-contained domestic cat

‘Self-contained’ for the human animal and non-human animal means quiet and independent; not depending on or influenced by others. To a great extent the domestic cat is self-contained. I think it is a better description that being ‘independent’. Self-contained refers to an attitude or mentality. It describes how the mind thinks. It means an …

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Why do cats visit other homes and people if they have an owner who cares for them?

Why do cats visit other houses and people if they have an owner who cares for them?

The answer to the question in the title can be found in the domestic cat’s inherited character. Each domestic cat has their own “home range”. This is the territory that they call their space in much the same way that people call their apartment or their house their home. And a domestic cat’s home …

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Do domestic cats sit on your lap for warmth or love?

Do domestic cats sit on your lap for warmth or love? It's a balancing act between the two!

It’s the early hours of the morning at about 5 AM and the temperature inside my home is about 22°C. This is a pleasant temperature. I’m in bed dictating this article. My cat is on my legs where he likes to be at this time of the morning. He’s been there for about 10 …

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Cats destined to become indoor cats should never be allowed outdoors

Full-time indoor Bengal cat gets much needed exercise

Full-time indoor cats are a growing trend. Domestic cats are thankfully flexible about the amount of space they feel that they need. In contrast the captive wild cats in zoos tend to pace due to boredom and the fact that the amount of space available is a tiny fraction of what they inherently desire. …

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