Chausie photograph of Mafi copyright Helmi Flick
Chausie photograph of Mafi copyright Helmi Flick
Picture is copyright Helmi Flick – please respect copyright.
chausie-8 to pictures of cats chausie page chausie-8 to pictures of cats home page Chausie photograph — copyright Helmi Flick
This photograph demonstrates the jumping skills of the Chausie. She inherited these from the Jungle Cat, her wild ancestor. The Jungle Cat is is not particularly shy and hunts in daytime. They live near water and are good swimmers. Note: the Asian Leopard, the wild ancestor of the Bengal cat is also a good …
Chausie – Photo of Keetah from the Willowind Cattery © Helmi Flick The photos below are thumbnails – click on them for lager images. They are all copyright Helmi Flick – please respect copyright. Referring to the photographs above the middle two are of Willowind Mafi Mushkla, Mafi for short, from the Willowind …
This is a composite photograph of a Chausie that lived with the Flicks. He is called Bushwah. Bushwah is an F1 Chausie. He is very athletic as you have seen in the photograph of him jumping from a standing start to 6 feet. He also liked to play in water as these photographs illustrate. …
This Chausie, “Bushwah” a male F1, who was Alpha male assertive when living with the Flicks, is seen here facing (very close) a Macaw. Bushwah was fearless and inquisitive. Helmi says, “a Macaw is not something you want to mess with .. they have a lot of strength in their beak”. So, this shows …