Are Munchkin cats natural?


Yes and no. Munchkin cats are dwarf cats: normally pedigree cats with short legs and normal bodies. The dog equivalent is the Dachshund. This dwarfism in companion animals is caused by an inherited dominant, genetic mutation. Mutations occur all the time in nature which is why humans evolved. Genetic mutations are entirely natural. On …

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Picture of adult domestic cat weighing under 4 pounds who has super rare hypoparathyroidism


He is an adult ginger tabby-and-white who looks like a kitten. In the photo below he is being weighed at the vet’s and the scales record 1.61 kgs which is 3.5 pounds. His guardian says he weighs 1.7 kg (3.74 pounds). He is a miniature cat and his name is Munchie. As you can …

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