Which cat breed should a first-time owner pick?

Havana Brown 'Cocoa' reclining by Helmi Flick

People ask “Which cat breed is best for first time owners?” You’ll see a lot of answers on the internet with long lists of many breeds all being suitable for first-time buyers which tells you that there is little difference between the breeds on this criterion according to these authors. So what does a …

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Havana Brown breed standard (concise and illustrated)

Fraulein Katz Head Shot Close up by Helmi Flick

This is a short discussion about selected parts of the Havana Brown breed standard (CFA) with the benefit of being able to look at the best photographs of the best cats of this breed at the same time. My first impression of this cat is the open expression and the lustrous red-brown coat on …

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Picture of Havana Brown Siblings

Picture of Havana Brown Siblings

The Havana Brown is a little known cat breed and not that popular but look at these superb siblings. The coat color is stunning. The breed standard specifies only one color unsurprisingly: ‘a rich and even shade of warm brown throughout; color tends towards red-brown (mahogany) rather than black-brown’. The whiskers should also be …

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The Cat Photos I Remember

These are the cat photos that stick in my mind for whatever reason from the 11,500 currently on PoC. They are in a slideshow. They are not all photos of purebred cats and I have deliberately excluded photographs of cats that live with PoC regulars and my cats. Please use the right and left …

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Havana Brown

Havana Brown photo of Fraulein Katz  © Helmi Flick Introduction The Havana Brown is another rare breed and a hybrid. The hybridization is as a result of human intervention (i.e. not naturally occurring).  I am immediately struck by the glossy nature of this cat’s coat. You can clearly see this in Helmi’s fine photograph …

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