Pictures of ‘Poodle cat’ kittens (Selkirk Rex)

Selkirk Rex kitten - aka Poodle cat

Here are some great pictures of cats: Off-white ‘Poodle cat’ kittens. People call them Poodle cats but they are Selkirk Rex cats if you want to be more precise. I think these kittens are particularly good examples. The fur is amazingly sheep-like because it is off-white in color. I guess you could call them …

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Selkirk Rex Portrait

Selkirk Rex Portrait

This is a very nice Selkirk Rex portrait showing the hair in close up. It is very clear as I would expect from Helmi Flick. You don’t always see the fur in such detail. This relatively rare purebred cat breed was first discovered in Wyoming in 1987 as a random bred cat. It was …

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