Chocolate Point Siamese Cat

Chocolate point Siamese cat by sam.romilly (Flickr). The above photo is not that good technically (sorry Sam) but it does show off the chocolate point very nicely. The coloring is clear and neutral. The cat’s name is Salvador – gotta be a boy. He looks male too. The chocolate point is similar to the …

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CFF now accepts Traditional Siamese for CH competition

by Maryellen Miranda (North Andover, MA USA) Revival’s Memory Lane As of 3/08, CFF now accepts Traditional Siamese for championship competition and registration. The breed is called Old Style Siamese. The standard is not that of the Thai cat (classic), it is that of the Traditional Siamese or Applehead. You can find the Old …

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Albino Siamese

by Lyndsey (Canada) Albino Siamese- Oafie Albino Siamese cat….Lyndsey Thanks Lyndsey for the picture. If it is alright by you I’ll see if I can add some words….Michael Oafie has a modern Siamese appearance (in contrast to the traditional Siamese cat) but not extreme in appearance. Albinism is rare. I am not going to …

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